Governance and Leadership
John Fowke
John Fowke joined the MASH Trust Board in December 2014. John worked as a corporate lawyer and tax consultant prior to joining Toyota New Zealand in 1986 where he held various roles covering dealers, information services, legal, marketing and finance as well as motor racing. He is now a consultant for legal services and an ambassador for the Toyota Racing Series and a trustee of the Kiwi Driver Fund. He has been a trustee of the Te Manawa Trust Board since 2005 and of the Manawatu Community Law Centre since 2014 and now chairs these organisations.
In 2016 John joined the board of the Central Economic Development Agency and was appointed the external member of the Manawatu District Council Audit and Risk committee and fulfils a number of other governance roles.
David Ayling
Deputy Chair
David is a Primary Health Care doctor and Clinical Director of the Youth One Stop Shop. David has held a variety of clinical governance roles across the health services including at DHB, PHO and provider level; corporate governance at DHB-PHO Alliance level; and clinical operations at DHB, PHO and provider level. His career focus has been on youth health, sexual and reproductive health, mental health, clinical governance, standards of practice and pathways of care.
Sheena Mason
Sheena joined MASH as a Trustee in 2009.
She has been a member of the Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (formally the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants) since 1986. Sheena retired from BDO Manawatu in December 2019 where she was involved in audit and offered advice in the accounting and taxation areas of farming, construction, manufacturing and retailing industries. Sheena’s roles within MASH include Chairperson of the Audit and Risk Committee, a member of the Property Sub-Committee and CEO Assessment Committee. She is also a Trustee of Whaioro Trust and the Chairperson of the Finance Committee of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.
‘I am privileged to be a Trustee of such a great organisation that concentrates on ensuring all our people have the care and opportunity to live happy lives.’

Peter Rea
Dip Bus Studs
Peter is a Certified Financial PlannerCM with over 30 years’ experience of providing Financial Planning, Investment and Retirement Advice. He started work in 1970 with the Commercial Bank of Australia, which later became Westpac Bank. In 1990 he began his career in Financial Planning, with a shift to Palmerston North. He is a Foundation Member of Financial Advice New Zealand and has been active at both local and national levels in this and the preceeding professional bodies for 30 years also. Peter is a current member and past Chair of the MASH Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee (FARM) and is Chairperson for the MASH Property Sub-Committee.
Julie Nitschke
RN MA (applied)
Julie has considerable experience in the New Zealand health care sector in clinical leadership and Governance across a variety of settings including District Health Boards, primary health care and mental health. She is a Clinical Director for Whanganui Regional Health Network and holds various leadership roles including: leading and facilitating clinical strategic decision making, Clinical Lead for Collaborative Clinical Pathways, member WRHN Clinical Governance Group, Alliance Leadership Team.
David Barrett
ACMC (provisional) EfM (2021)
David was appointed to the MASH Trust Board as the consumer representative in 2007. He acts in an advisory role to the Trust Board for people with disabilities. David completed EfM (education for Ministry) studies in 2021 and also holds a Certificate in Intentional Peer Support Endorsed in Mental Health and has been a Quality Auditor (Mental Health) since 2004 previously working with the DAA Group (MoH Standards). He has previous involvement in the Like Minds Like Mine Project (6 years). David is a member of the International Society of Neuro-semantics and Meta-coaches ACMC ( provisional). His other roles include being a member of the MASH Quality Governance Committee, the Innovation Award Committee and the Property Sub-Committee.

Trieste Te Awe Awe
Trieste is a member of the Central Districts Justice of the Peace Association Council and a Board member of the Community Law Centre Association. She brings with her expertise in Judicial Justice. She also shares a role as Kaumātua Kuia with her husband Wiremu for Rangitāne Iwi.
Peter Te Rangi
Ko Tararua nga pae maunga
Ko Manawatu te awa
Ko Kurahaupo te waka
Ko Rangitane te iwi
Ko TeRangitepaia , Ko Hineaute, Ko TeRangiaranaki ratou Ko Mairehau nga hapu
Ko Inia raua ko Jeanette oku matua
Ko Peter TeRangi toku ingoa.
Peter comes to the MASH Board with 20 years of expertise as a Special Needs Resource Teacher. Peter also worked for five years with Special Education Service across communication, early childhood, high needs, and behaviour.
Peter worked as a bilingual teacher in Foxton, establishing the Bilingual Maori English Class there.
Currently, he is a member of the Ecological Sustainability Committee of the PNCC and one of the Rangitane representatives on the monthly PNCC Rangitane Liaison Meetings. Peter is also a history advisor to schools and other organisations and Chairs the Bainesse & Districts Community Development Charitable Trust.
BA ( Soc Sci ) ; Dipl Teaching ; Cert Counselling ; Dipl Biling Educ ; Grad Dipl SNRT
Tyson Schmidt
Tyson’s background includes Ministers’ Offices, The Treasury, Building & Housing, UCOL’s senior management, and the Office of the Auditor-General.
Tyson is currently Director of Third Bearing Limited, and also serves on Manawatū Community Trust Board and is Treasurer of Ngā Aho Māori Designers Network.
Ngati Porou and Te Aitanga a Hauiti

Wiremu Te Awe Awe
Rangitāne Leader Wiremu Te Awe Awe was appointed as Kaumātua for MASH Board in 2018. He is a Councillor for Horizons, being the first Māori to be elected on The Board. He has vast experience sitting on executive Boards such as Internal Affairs ‘Te Ātamira” Chairperson for Te Rangimārie Marae, Treaty Advisor Mana Whenua o Rangitāne, Kaumātua & Rangitāne history advisor to Schools in the Manawatū and Police and Prison Kaumātua.

Dr Karleen Edwards
Karleen has a long history in the health sector on both sides of the Tasman. Prior to joining MASH, Karleen was involved in local government fulfilling an instrumental role in the rebuild of Christchurch as the Chief Executive Officer of the Christchurch City Council.
Karleen worked for seven years in health management roles in Australia, including as the Chief Executive of the Commission for Hospital Improvement and as Chief Executive of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Before that, she held several roles in health in Canterbury. Dr Edwards trained as a psychiatrist and has an MBChB from Otago University and a Master of Business Administration from Canterbury University.

Penny Odell
Executive Director, Office of the Chief Executive
Penny is very well organised, focused on practical solutions yet delivers a forward-looking strategic perspective to the Executive team. Penny manages our organisational-wide functions that the Chief Executive is responsible for such as Board and Executive governance, reception, communications, and contract coordination.
Tania Lennon
Executive Director, Programmes
Before Tania came to MASH, she was General Manager of Operations and had a period as Acting Chief Executive at Sport Manawatu. Tania has also had leadership roles in Whanau Awhina Plunket, and IDEA Services. She is currently Chair of Camellia House and is on the Board of Parafed Manawatu in addition to having held other governance roles within the disability sector.
Tania draws on her professional and personal whanau perspective every day - which is invaluable to MASH and the people we support.
Sandra Lester
Executive Director, Corporate Services
Before joining MASH, Sandra was the Deputy Director, Business Management and Performance at New Zealand Defence. She also has 16 years of health experience including at the highest level of primary care and PHO services. Sandra’s speciality skills include (but are not limited to) relationship development, workforce, Human Resource systems, system change and transformation. Sandra is someone who gets things done, but in doing so is focused on both responsive customer service and excellent service delivery at all levels.