Mental Health Support
Our mental health services work in partnership with the person and their support network to create personalised plans that enable the person to lead a great life according to their goals.
We understand that each person’s needs are different, and this is reflected in the way we support people.
We can provide you with support up to twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, depending on your needs and goals. Your will be well supported by experienced staff.
Support can take place in the community, in a MASH home long-term or as a shorter respite stay. We will support you to live the life you choose.
Supported homes for people with mental health conditions.
We provide mental health support homes in Manawatū, and Wellington region with several living options depending on the level of need and support you require. This is identified through a Needs Assessment which is completed by Te Whatu Ora | Health NZ MidCentral or Wellington.
Our homes are staffed 24/7 by staff that are trained and highly skilled in support work. They will work with you on your mental health recovery, supporting you to identify and achieve goals.
Living in our supported homes you will share household tasks and cooking with flatmates, develop a healthy lifestyle, and receive support for developing skills for budgeting, shopping, and healthy eating. You will also be supported to understand the impacts of the challenges you face and how to stay well and grow in autonomy and independence.
We cannot accept self-referrals. If you believe you would benefit from living in a MASH supported home, please discuss this with your care manager or Needs Assessor.