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Horowhenua Community Space

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Horowhenua Community Space

Our Vision

MASH Trust are at the start of an exciting project to create a new Community Space that will be a new base for our services in Levin as well as being available for community use/hire. It will be a safe and inclusive space for disabled people and the community.

We are currently working with the community to develop the space within the old Levin Hospital complex near HLC with a focus on the future to ensure it will be fit for purpose and fit for the future. We will be looking to officially open the new space in early 2025.

We are currently seeking input into what the space will look like and how spaces are used.

We are looking to engage with people MASH support currently through our day programme, their families\whānau, other local organisations with similar focus and values as MASH, iwi, our referrers and funders, government, local businesses, education providers, and the general Horowhenua community. 

Community Engagement

Kōrero Hapori

Community workshops and information sessions are now running to provide opportunities for the community to share with us their ideas for the new spaces. 

You have the opportunity tell us your ideas of what the community space looks like – right now we have a floor plan which only gives us a basic design of the layout. It is you our community, that will give it life.


We have already heard that a private spa pool room with hoist is needed and is included in our plans, but the site might also include things like a media room, sensory room, garden whānau space, art/craft areas, Lego, or building areas. We are open to all possibilities.


Community Workshop Sessions

3pm Friday 5 April 2024

Levin Uniting Church, 87 Oxford Street, Levin.

Please RSVP by Thursday 4 April to: 

Submit your ideas online

Unable to make it to a workshop session?


Submit your ideas online here.

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Let’s Work Together
Kia Mahi Tahi Tātou

With your help MASH can continue to grow and support more people in Horowhenua, and our surrounding regions.

When we work together, we achieve great things.


Creating a new space that is fit for purpose and fit for the future, benefiting the people in our community. We want to do this together, so we are reaching out early.


Some ways you can support MASH achieve this project for the community include:
u     Providing consultation and recommendations for different aspects of the hub.
u     Participating in our community engagement sessions.
u     Donating goods, services, or providing financial support.

Floor Plan

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3D Floor Plan

This plan gives an idea of the spaces with furniture to give you an idea of size.

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